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History of EboSuite

EboSuite is under constant development by EboStudio and Eboman. EboSuite has a long history and is the result of many prototypes, like the 1995 video sampler, SenSorSuit, Frame Drummer Pro, skrtZz pen, DVJ mixer, SenS I, SenS II, SenS III, SenS IV, Senna, SenSei, DVJ Mixer 3.0 and iTracks.

Our aim is to create the ultimate audio-visual instrument that merges the creative processes of making music and making visuals into one, unified creative process. Ideal for audio-visual and visual music artists. For this, we turn existing, professional music software into audio-visual software since 1995. Read the story of EboSuite below.

EboSuite Studio – working on video plug-ins for Ableton Live

1996 – Amiga video sampler

In 1995 we developed our first video sampler. A combination of a Commodore Amiga and a Roland S760 audio sampler connected to a Apple Macintosh running Cubase. In this way audio samples and short video clips could be triggered with MIDI clips and with a keyboard live in sync, creating an audiovisual video sampler set-up.

1997 – EbonaTor

The Ebonator was developed in 1997 to play and pitch videos on multiple computers in sync. An audio timecode signal was used to keep the computers in sync. The output of the different computers was sent out to multiple video screens or mixed using an external video mixer. The Ebonator was used to present a.o. the video sample movies ‘Fort Ebo Gold’(1997) and dDriver must be a MAdMaN (1999). and for many DVJ shows.

1999 – SenSorSuit

In 1999 we developed the SenSorSuit. A body motion tracking suit to control audio visual performances in an intuitive way. Modified door hinges acted as sensors in the armpits and elbows. Together with gloves with DJ faders and buttons and with  buttons on floor panels this enabled the performer to scrub, pitch and trigger multiple videos simultaneously live.

2003 – DVJ Mixer + skrtZz pen

In 2002 we developed our first DVJ video mixer. The DVJ mixer was software to mix audio visual video clips live on a laptop. Three video clips could be triggered, pitched, looped and mixed live using visual effects, like chroma key or displacement. 3D open GL effects were added later. This software is used for many DVJ shows.

In 2003 we build a lot of experimental audio-visual instruments for improvised AV performances. A.o. a USB skate board, drum kit, Game controllers and helmet could be used to trigger, scratch, mix, distort and manipulate video samples. The most succesfull instrument was the skrtZz pen.

2003 – Frame Drummer Pro

In 2003 we made the Frame Drummer Pro. The Frame Drummer Pro turned Logic Pro (music software) into an audio-visual instrument. Version 7.0 supported advanced video triggering, skrtZz-ing, audio-visual effects, composition assistance and live sampling. The Frame Drummer Pro is used to produce LLib LLikDVJ 3.0 tracks and many more tracks.

2004 – SenS I

In 2004, We made our first attempt to develop a fully functional audio-visual software system, called SenS. SenS combined the creative possibilities of the DVJ mixer, skrtZz pen and Frame Drummer Pro. Because hardware was not powerful enough to play, mix, distort and skrtZz multiple videos and run Logic Pro at the same time, SenS ran on several laptops. It could also be controlled with an updated version of the SenSorSuit. It is used for many experiments.

2005 – SenS II

In 2005 we created SenS II. This system worked with its own sequencer to loop and mix MIDI loops on the fly (a bit like Albleton Live’s Session View). This system ran on one computer (which made it much easier to operate) and supported 3D video mixing of two individual video tracks. SenS II was made for live performances primarily.

2006 – SenS III

SenS III was able to play and mix four videos in 3D and was equipped with 16 audio-visual 3D effects and proper editors, like the AV Meta-Data Editor and the Decor Builder. Seamless integration into music software is very important to create the optimal audio-visual instrument. Dedicated SenS VST plug-ins integrated SenS as seamless as possible into Logic Pro. 

2008 – SenS IV

SenS IV introduced AV Block, a flexibel audio-visual effects editor in 2007. Timo Rozendal and Nenad Popov joined the team and I invested heavily into its real-time motion graphics and 3D video mix capabilities to be able to do more commercial projects to finance the development. With SenS IV I did many live video sampling shows for different brands and creative agencies. It is also used as total show control software to mix live camera streams, graphics, music and videos for conferences, a fashion show, an award show and two interactive narrow casting installations.

2011 – SenSei + Augmented Stage

SenSei turns Ableton Live into an audio-visual instrument. It is the final prototype before the development of EboSuite. SenSei consists of a set of ‘Max for Live’ plug-ins to control the SenSei application from within Ableton Live and a set of editors to edit different aspects of a SenSei project. The creative features of SenSei remained mostly the same as SenS IV, yet more user-friendly and reliable. SenSei could also be controlled with a 3D camera, we call this concept Augmented Stage.

2013 – DVJ Mixer 3.0

The DVJ mixer 3.0 (2013) is a simplified version of SenSei, made for DVJ shows. It is the first basic version of EboSuite. The DVJ Mixer 3.0 consists of two plug-ins for Ableton Live. When a plug-in is added to an Ableton Live project the video mixer application automatically launches in the background. The application runs in a separate instance from Ableton Live to maximise performance and reliability.

2014 – Interactive Tracks

In 2011 it was time to take things to the next level. The main purpose of EboStudio is to create the ideal audio-visual instrument, and to make that instrument available for everybody. During the development of SenSei it became clear that the time was ripe to turn this prototype into a release-worthy product (that is now EboSuite). To do this, we had to re-write all the prototype software into rock-solid code (C++ etc.): a slow and costly process. That is one of the reasons we started the Interactive Tracks project.

Interactive Tracks are interactive audio-visual compositions (iOS apps) with integrated creative functions to remix and personalise them. The personalised track can easily be shared on social media. Step-by-step, app-by-app we converted SenSei into release-worthy software and created the basis for what is now EboSuite.

2017 – EboSuite 1.0

In 2017 EboSuite was launched! We had been looking forward to this moment for a long time. Finally the instrument we had been working on for many years was available for everybody to use. EboSuite is under constant development and everything we learned from our past will be integrated, and much more!

EboSuite-1_0-video plugins for Ableton Live

2019 – EboSuite 1.5

Early 2019, EboSuite 1.5 was released. EboSuite 1.5 was an important update, because it added (a.o.) the eSimpler and the Granular Mode to the eSampler and it added support for ‘ISF shaders‘. ISF shaders are visual algoritmes for manipulating and/or generating visuals. Many creative technicians develop these visual algorithms (shaders) and share them on different websites, like the ISF website. This adds virtually unlimited visual effects and generators to EboSuite, very important for an audio-visual instrument!

EboSuite-2_0-video plugins for Ableton Live

2022 – EboSuite 2.0

In 2022 we launched EboSuite 2.0! Finally, after years of adding new features and improvements, EboSuite had outgrown its 1.x name and we decided to take the step to 2.0! On top of that some big new additions were added, like the ability to record video live and use it immediately. A great way to make your performance a real live experience and to jam with new ideas in real-time. The interface of EboSuite was completely restyled and cleaned up for an even better user experience. Try it out yourself!

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