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Error and warning messages

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List of possible error and warning messages (incomplete)

General errors and solutions

EboSuite application -or- [device name] is not in the correct location in the user library.

  • The EboSuite plug-ins need to be in the EboSuite sub-folder of the current User Library. This folder also contains the hidden EboSuite app. If you see this error you probably did on of the following things: (a.) used Collect All and Save with the ‘User Library’-option enabled, (b.) changed your User Library location, (c.) changed the file location/folder names in a different way. If the reason is (a.) you can right click on the top bar of a plug-in (next to the title) and select ‘manage device file’ and point to the correct versions in the ‘user library’ (there is an Ableton bug here that sometimes the eSampler can forget the sample it was pointing to). If the reason was (b.) or (c.) you can manually correct the location of the EboSuite files or simply run the installer again.

Version mismatch, please reinstall.

  • This happens when there are EboSuite plug-ins with a different version than the EboSuite app. It is best to run the installation again with the latest version of the installer.

Click to restart EboSuite App.

  • When you accidentally close the EboSuite application (or when it has stopped for some reason) you can click here to start it again.

Errors and warnings and solutions per plug-in:


There is already an eClips device in this track, this device is disabled.

  • Delete the plug-in.

Warping is on but warp markers could not be found. Save them first to use them. (= warning)

  • Save the warp markers.

You are using an old version of Max, please install a new version.

  • Check the Ableton preferences if the latest version of Max is installed and selected.

Clip slot is too high (max=256).

  • Delete clips from clip slots to create space.

Current clip is not playable, please convert to Hap.

  • Use the eConvert plug-in to convert video to Hap codec.

Current clip has no video. (= warning)

  • No action needed.


File not playable, please convert to Hap

  • Use the eConvert plug-in to convert video to Hap codec.

You are using an old version of Max, please install a new version

  • Check the Ableton preferences if the latest version of Max is installed and selected

File has no video. (=warning)

  • No action needed.

File is long (> 1min). Select a smaller region of the clip by adjusting the start- and end-markers. (=warning)

  • We recommend you to crop the video to a shorter size, read this section for more info.

File was too long, automatically truncated to 2 min. Select a smaller region of the clip by adjusting the start- and end-markers.

  • We recommend you to crop the video to a shorter size, read this section for more info.


This device only works on a MIDI track with eSamplers.

  • Delete or or move the plug-in.

Selected MIDI clip is empty.

  • Select another MIDI clip.

No MIDI clip selected.

  • Select a MIDI clip before pressing the ‘Convert selected clip’ button.

Selected clip is not on this track.

  • Select a clip that is on the same track or move the eComper to that track.

Selected clip is not a MIDI clip.

  • Select a MIDI clip.

No MIDI effects allowed.

  • Delete the MIDI effects.

Selected MIDI clip results in empty movie.

  • Select another MIDI clip.

Finished unsuccessfully.

  • Try again or select another MIDI clip.

At least one of the MIDI notes has no video associated with it, see Max window for more info. (= warning)

  • No action needed, but you might want to check the MIDI clip.

Data received is incomplete, please retry.

  • In some rare cases it is possible that the eComper can’t make an edit, please try again.


This device only works on the master or on a track with a eSession or eSampler device.

  • Move the plug-in to a track with an eSession plug-in, an eSampler plug-in or the Master track.

The EboSuite app needs to be active for this device to work. Load at least one eSession or eSampler.

  • Add an eSession or eSampler plug-in to your Live set.


This device only works on the master track.

  • Move the plug-in to the Master track.

There can be only one instance of this device.

  • Delete the plug-in.

The EboSuite application needs to be active for this device to work. Load at least one eSession/eSampler plugin.

  • Add an eSession or eSampler to your Live set.


The EboSuite application needs to be active for this device to work. Load at least one eSession or eSampler plug-in.

  • Add an eSession or eSampler to your Live set.

Finished unsuccessfully.

  • Retry or check the video file for errors.

Failed because this codec is not supported.

  • Convert the video to another codec using Quicktime Player 10 or 7 Pro and load it into the eConvert again (read this section for more info).

Cannot crop to start/end because Warp markers could not be found. You need to save these first. (= warning)

  • Save the Warp markers.

This file type is not accepted. (= warning)

  • Convert the video to another codec using Quicktime Player 10 or 7 Pro and load it into the eConvert again (read this section for more info).